ChatGPT是否可以把jQuery替換成Vanilla javascript

我們在這篇文章中提過,隨著前端技術的演進,很多專案有把jQuery替換成Vanilla javascript的趨勢,因為最近用ChatGPT寫程式很紅,所以我也想要試試把我的幾個open source專案,也根據ChatGPT給的程式碼來把jQuery替換掉。我們來看看ChatGPT是否可以把jQuery做替換,以及會遭遇到哪問題。

  1. 替換成Vanilla javascript的對話
  2. 在改寫width()時為何出錯?
  3. 結論

替換成Vanilla javascript的對話







而且width這個attribute是不存在的,所以w2vVis.width和w2vVis.height的值會得到undefined,用瀏覽器跑起來雖然不會有Error Message但是該element就顯示不出來了(因為長寬都是undefined),讓我花了一個晚上找Bug和查閱jQuery文件。


在翻閱文件時發現,該如何把jQuery的width()用Vanilla javascript重寫時,網路上不同網站找到的答案確實不一致。而clientWidth和offsetWidth的差異如下圖,也不容易讓人理解:

歸根結底,jQuery的內部如何實作width()其實挺複雜的,有針對不同瀏覽器做處理,也有對box model做一些調整,jQuery 3.4.1版再處理width()的原始碼如下:

jQuery.each( [ "height", "width" ], function( i, dimension ) {
	jQuery.cssHooks[ dimension ] = {
		get: function( elem, computed, extra ) {
			if ( computed ) {

				// Certain elements can have dimension info if we invisibly show them
				// but it must have a current display style that would benefit
				return rdisplayswap.test( jQuery.css( elem, "display" ) ) &&

					// Support: Safari 8+
					// Table columns in Safari have non-zero offsetWidth & zero
					// getBoundingClientRect().width unless display is changed.
					// Support: IE <=11 only
					// Running getBoundingClientRect on a disconnected node
					// in IE throws an error.
					( !elem.getClientRects().length || !elem.getBoundingClientRect().width ) ?
						swap( elem, cssShow, function() {
							return getWidthOrHeight( elem, dimension, extra );
						} ) :
						getWidthOrHeight( elem, dimension, extra );

		set: function( elem, value, extra ) {
			var matches,
				styles = getStyles( elem ),

				// Only read styles.position if the test has a chance to fail
				// to avoid forcing a reflow.
				scrollboxSizeBuggy = !support.scrollboxSize() &&
					styles.position === "absolute",

				// To avoid forcing a reflow, only fetch boxSizing if we need it (gh-3991)
				boxSizingNeeded = scrollboxSizeBuggy || extra,
				isBorderBox = boxSizingNeeded &&
					jQuery.css( elem, "boxSizing", false, styles ) === "border-box",
				subtract = extra ?
					) :

			// Account for unreliable border-box dimensions by comparing offset* to computed and
			// faking a content-box to get border and padding (gh-3699)
			if ( isBorderBox && scrollboxSizeBuggy ) {
				subtract -= Math.ceil(
					elem[ "offset" + dimension[ 0 ].toUpperCase() + dimension.slice( 1 ) ] -
					parseFloat( styles[ dimension ] ) -
					boxModelAdjustment( elem, dimension, "border", false, styles ) -

			// Convert to pixels if value adjustment is needed
			if ( subtract && ( matches = rcssNum.exec( value ) ) &&
				( matches[ 3 ] || "px" ) !== "px" ) {[ dimension ] = value;
				value = jQuery.css( elem, dimension );

			return setPositiveNumber( elem, value, subtract );
} );

function boxModelAdjustment( elem, dimension, box, isBorderBox, styles, computedVal ) {
	var i = dimension === "width" ? 1 : 0,
		extra = 0,
		delta = 0;

	// Adjustment may not be necessary
	if ( box === ( isBorderBox ? "border" : "content" ) ) {
		return 0;

	for ( ; i < 4; i += 2 ) {

		// Both box models exclude margin
		if ( box === "margin" ) {
			delta += jQuery.css( elem, box + cssExpand[ i ], true, styles );

		// If we get here with a content-box, we're seeking "padding" or "border" or "margin"
		if ( !isBorderBox ) {

			// Add padding
			delta += jQuery.css( elem, "padding" + cssExpand[ i ], true, styles );

			// For "border" or "margin", add border
			if ( box !== "padding" ) {
				delta += jQuery.css( elem, "border" + cssExpand[ i ] + "Width", true, styles );

			// But still keep track of it otherwise
			} else {
				extra += jQuery.css( elem, "border" + cssExpand[ i ] + "Width", true, styles );

		// If we get here with a border-box (content + padding + border), we're seeking "content" or
		// "padding" or "margin"
		} else {

			// For "content", subtract padding
			if ( box === "content" ) {
				delta -= jQuery.css( elem, "padding" + cssExpand[ i ], true, styles );

			// For "content" or "padding", subtract border
			if ( box !== "margin" ) {
				delta -= jQuery.css( elem, "border" + cssExpand[ i ] + "Width", true, styles );

	// Account for positive content-box scroll gutter when requested by providing computedVal
	if ( !isBorderBox && computedVal >= 0 ) {

		// offsetWidth/offsetHeight is a rounded sum of content, padding, scroll gutter, and border
		// Assuming integer scroll gutter, subtract the rest and round down
		delta += Math.max( 0, Math.ceil(
			elem[ "offset" + dimension[ 0 ].toUpperCase() + dimension.slice( 1 ) ] -
			computedVal -
			delta -
			extra -

		// If offsetWidth/offsetHeight is unknown, then we can't determine content-box scroll gutter
		// Use an explicit zero to avoid NaN (gh-3964)
		) ) || 0;

	return delta;

function getWidthOrHeight( elem, dimension, extra ) {

	// Start with computed style
	var styles = getStyles( elem ),

		// To avoid forcing a reflow, only fetch boxSizing if we need it (gh-4322).
		// Fake content-box until we know it's needed to know the true value.
		boxSizingNeeded = !support.boxSizingReliable() || extra,
		isBorderBox = boxSizingNeeded &&
			jQuery.css( elem, "boxSizing", false, styles ) === "border-box",
		valueIsBorderBox = isBorderBox,

		val = curCSS( elem, dimension, styles ),
		offsetProp = "offset" + dimension[ 0 ].toUpperCase() + dimension.slice( 1 );

	// Support: Firefox <=54
	// Return a confounding non-pixel value or feign ignorance, as appropriate.
	if ( rnumnonpx.test( val ) ) {
		if ( !extra ) {
			return val;
		val = "auto";

	// Fall back to offsetWidth/offsetHeight when value is "auto"
	// This happens for inline elements with no explicit setting (gh-3571)
	// Support: Android <=4.1 - 4.3 only
	// Also use offsetWidth/offsetHeight for misreported inline dimensions (gh-3602)
	// Support: IE 9-11 only
	// Also use offsetWidth/offsetHeight for when box sizing is unreliable
	// We use getClientRects() to check for hidden/disconnected.
	// In those cases, the computed value can be trusted to be border-box
	if ( ( !support.boxSizingReliable() && isBorderBox ||
		val === "auto" ||
		!parseFloat( val ) && jQuery.css( elem, "display", false, styles ) === "inline" ) &&
		elem.getClientRects().length ) {

		isBorderBox = jQuery.css( elem, "boxSizing", false, styles ) === "border-box";

		// Where available, offsetWidth/offsetHeight approximate border box dimensions.
		// Where not available (e.g., SVG), assume unreliable box-sizing and interpret the
		// retrieved value as a content box dimension.
		valueIsBorderBox = offsetProp in elem;
		if ( valueIsBorderBox ) {
			val = elem[ offsetProp ];

	// Normalize "" and auto
	val = parseFloat( val ) || 0;

	// Adjust for the element's box model
	return ( val +
			extra || ( isBorderBox ? "border" : "content" ),

			// Provide the current computed size to request scroll gutter calculation (gh-3589)
	) + "px";



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它確實會把jQuery的script tag移除,但它卻不知道Bootstrap 3.4.0這個版本需要jQuery;如果我們要移除jQuery的話,就必須要把Bootstrap 3升級到沒有依賴jQuery的版本(比方說Bootstrap 5)。否則就會出現以下的Error Messages:


ChatGPT確實可以給出替換jQuery的程式碼,雖然可以正確地轉換一些簡單的案例(e.g., 把$(“#w2v_epoch”)轉成document.querySelector(“#w2v_epoch”)),但還是有些Bugs。儘管如此我仍然認為可以改變很多產業的生態。畢竟目前的ChatGPT只是一個通用(generic)的版本;如果我們可以專門針對特定程式語言來訓練一個新版本,肯定可以有個好的程式碼。

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